Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It's not exactly a book...

I find that I have an inordinate amount of time on my hands at work which means lots of time to think about the people, places and things that annoy the hell out of me. One day I posted "I'm going to write a book called "Dealing with Dillholes" on my Facebook wall and people I haven't heard from in years replied. Don't the wrong idea. I don't sit around and think about all the annoying things that happen to me all day long, I'm generally a pretty cheerful individual. But my Facebook post got me thinking, we as a society are so self-involved that we often forget ourselves and our manners. I've decided, as sort of a PSA, to blog about our absentmindedness (and other stuff), in hopes that through self examination we can all become just a little more conciencious (there may also be a chuckle or two, but only incidentally). I'd like to follow that up with a disclaimer: I, in no way think of myself as an expert on manners. I've caught myself on many occassions being very discourteous. All I'm saying is, on those occassions when I catch myself being a real B!%*$, or even when someone is bold enough to call me out on it, I'd like to think that the next time I find myself in a similiar circumstance, I handle it with a little more grace than the previous episode. So it isn't a book, and it'll never be a New York Times Best Seller, but here it is, Dealing with Dillholes.

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