Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I am the only female in the office where I work. In some ways this is a blessing, for instance, I don't have to share the bathroom with anyone. Sometimes however; it is not a blessing. Boys are, by nature messy creatures. It doesn't bother them in the least if the entire microwave is coated with a cooked on mixture of various soups, chili, hamburger helper and Chef Boyardie's finest culinary masterpieces. I found that I was the only one who cared about the condition of the microwave enough to clean it. I've had a similar problem at home, for which I found an excellent solution: one of those covers. I purchased one a brought it into the office only to find that the microwave was still getting splattered with what I sincerely hope was alfredo sauce. How can this be? They were putting the food ON TOP of the cover. I work with programmers, engineers and electronics techs. EPIC FAIL!

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