Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Lethal Weapon

Living in in the suburbs of Kansas City has taught me a few things about the rules of the road. Foremost, that here there really are very few rules that are actually observed. People ignore posted speed limits both for the maximum and minimum speeds. Turn signals and lanes of traffic; Who needs 'em? Signs cautioning drivers are disregarded like yesterdays bologna sandwich. How can anyone be expected to pay attention to all those signs and flashing lights when we are so busy talking, texting, typing addresses into our GPS', downloading apps to our iPhones, trying to find an HD station, putting in a DVD for the kiddos and eating a Big Mac? I've even seen people reading books and one guy practicing his trumpet. Suits driving Land Rovers, Lexus', Infinitis or some other luxury car brand, who assume that whatever it is they're doing is far more important than whatever everyone else is doing so therefore traffic should part before them like the Red Sea? Then, there's the Mom in the SUV who blows through a construction zone 15 mph over the posted speed limit while on her phone. I'm sure her kids are safer because they are strapped in the huge gas-sucking beast but how much therapy do you think the kids will need if they witness Mom mow down a construction worker?
We are driving what is potentialy a 2,000+ lb lethal weapon. Would we weild a gun around with such carelessness? No of course not because someone could get killed. So why the hell are we driving around like we haven't got the sense God gave us?

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