Friday, February 26, 2010

Parenting: The Old Fashion Way?

So, this was a post from a local news station's Facebook page:

Pledge of Allegiance dispute results in Md. teacher having to apologize -

and this was a comment from another fan:
"If only every school would enforce the "Pledge of Allegiance".... I remember having to say it every morning in the gym and if you were behaving badly you would get OSS. Kids now just have no respect....and it is our societys fault... Kids today are being treated as little adults.. rights and all. So different from when I was a kid. I was to be seen and not heard and that is the way I am raising my children."
What?! Really?! Has this person ever heard the phrase "You know better, you do better"? We didn't use to require child safety seats either. And how on Earth is a child going to learn what it really means to be an American and what the Bill of Rights IS if they are being "seen and not heard"? Lady, you want something cute to look at? Buy one of those kitten calendars or something. DO NOT run out and procreate because quite frankly, there are plenty of little robots running around. And what do you mean "...rights and all?" Children aren't people? Citizens? Worthy of civil liberties? So by that logic is would be perfectly acceptable to call a child a racial slur, as long as you didn't call the child's parent the same thing. Seriously! And how does promoting activism equal permissive parenting? I suppose Civil Rights activists and Women's Lib activists were just disrespectful brats as well. They didn't appreciate the soldiers that fought and died to protect their rights either? Oh wait, they didn't have any rights! And what good are rights if you're never allowed to exercise them?

Once again, overwhelming proof that not all people who can procreate, should. Kudos to the student's Mother who, it seems, is trying to raise a child who has critical thinking skills and for defending her child's rights.